Thursday, October 23, 2008

Born in the bay

BARE Magazine, September 2008 Issue

What's this on Page 21?

BARE Magazine ( did a nice little spread of Inogu Fabrics on their September issue. BARE Magazine is dedicated to all things fashion, and let me just add: it is incredibly well done. I went through the entire issue, cover to cover, only to be enlightened by well written articles, great layouts, professional pictures and so much more. A lot of time was put into this magazine and everyone should definitely check out their blog. BARE is involved with a lot of fashion that is happening around Berkeley; and it was truly refreshing to see. Below is the article:

Inogu Fabrics is a new brand based out of California founded in 2008 by Jason Lee and Jordan Ma who are at UC Berkeley and UC San Diego respectively. Their roots stretch back to Salt Lake City, Utah as childhood best friends but their paths diverged as Jason moved to Colorado, and Jordan to California. It was through a shared interest in music, art, photography, and style that brought them back together to create Inogu Fabrics. Inogu is derived from the word "enogu" meaning color or paint, thus perfectly encapsulating the bold colors and unique original designs. They are exploring ways to bring a mature sophistication to everyday expression while capturing the youthful whimsy of childhood imagination. Inogu Fabrics has been featured in various fashion blogs and is currently anticipating the release of its second collection which is due in August.


I would like to personally thank Doreen Bloch, editor-in-chief, and the rest of the BARE Magazine staff for reaching out to us and giving us this wonderful opportunity to showcase some of our stuff as well as reach out to a broader spectrum of people. Hopefully we'll show up in Bare Magazine again someday -- or work closely with them on their photo shoots or runway shows etc.


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